Feniex Product Short Series
A sample of product shorts shot & edited for cross-channel social media campaigns, as well as the Feniex Industries e-commerce website.

Product Shorts
Feniex Product Videos
A sample of product videos shot & edited for cross-channel social media campaigns, Youtube, and the Feniex Industries e-commerce website. With each product video we aimed to show-over-tell the features, functions, and application for each product. Incorporating keyshot renderings, as well as live-action shots such as in-house manufacturing, shipping and installation clips.

Product Videos
Feniex Product Shorts - Value Propositions
A sample of product shorts shot & edited for cross-channel social media campaigns, Youtube, and the Feniex Industries e-commerce website. Each video was A/B tested against product shorts on a white background and C/D tested against bulleted text versions to uncover what resonated better with our audience.
Additional Product Videos
Additional quippy videos shot & edited for cross-channel social media campaigns, Youtube, and the Feniex Industries e-commerce website. Each video aimed to entertain and capture the attention our audience.
The Fusion GPL
To prove the waterproof quality of the new and improved Fusion GPL Lightbar, our team took our demo vehicle to the Kyle Fire Department and blasted it with 110 PSI of firehose pressure!
The GEO Series
A introduction to the new line of Feniex lighting products for Public Works.
The GEO 400 Lightstick
Entertainment piece demonstrating the do's and don'ts of product installation.
Demo Vehicle Video
A just for fun piece, shot and editing for our customers & dealer network. Often, our team found ways of directly connecting with our audience and buyers by allowing them to feel involved in the decision making process.
Christmas Giveaway
A just for fun piece for our audience; used as part of an overall campaign to push new products. Plus, who doesn't love a giveaway!
How to and installation product video example
How to and installation product video example